Sample spheres with single reflection (by Martin Bertrand)

Explorations in Ray Tracing: Introduction

Hi, and welcome to my blog. 

This blog will serve as a tool to annotate my research concerning my summer 2011 CIS4900 course, 'Topics in Computer Science' from the University of Guelph. As I progressed in my program, an area of interest became more obvious to me: 3D image rendering. The creation of photo-realistic images by computer is a complex science, and designing image rendering software even more so. 
    This blog contains observations pertaining to my implementation of a simple java coded ray tracing application that enables the user to render 3 dimensional images of simple geometric shapes like spheres and polygons. The application uses the Phong Reflection Model to create essential light and shading effects like specular reflection and diffusion. Antialiasing, or the removing of certain image imperfections will also be examined. I will discuss some keys aspects of the algorithms used along with the linear algebra concepts behind them. I will also comment on some of the more interesting implementation issues I have encountered.

It is assumed the reader is familiar with Java's object oriented language, basic computer graphic concepts like pixels and image buffers and basic linear algebra.

Most of the information needed for my implementation was taken for Glassner's[1] book, along with diverse web pages for Phong shading[2] and ray - polygon intersection algorithms[3]. All images were created by the author, unless otherwise stated.